Historian John Delury gave an excellent talk at Capital M today about wealth and power as defining recent Chinese history, but how to fit a search for modernity into that equation? [Read More...]
Just because Lei Feng's diary is about as real as a herd of purple unicorns doesn't take anything away from the central message: It's nice to be nice...and always follow the Chairman! [Read More...]
The Dingyuan, flagship of the Beiyang Fleet, was as impressive a ship as sailed in the Western Pacific but she suffered from one catastrophic design flaw. [Read More...]
Connecticut is a state divided by two competing urban centers (and baseball teams) providing a lesson in why researchers need to look beyond state-defined boundaries. [Read More...]
The Qing court had more narcissistic drug-addled half-wits than Justin Bieber’s mansion, but even with that competition Prince Duan was something special. [Read More...]